Ars Electronica Center
development of exhibition design concepts and objects
Ars Electronica Centre, Museum
design [FormZ]  concept   presentation
For the Ars Elecrtonica Centre, a museum for electronic arts we did presentation concepts and design.
Telepuzzle . the visitor has to rearrange the puzzle on the monitor that shows a video of the user, now doing the puzzle
Sim city .is a virtual walk through Linz. The interface was a touchpad on a large glasss screen (similar to old game consoles, monitors are placed in the floor and the light is caught in the angled glasss plain)
Exhibition hall .a flexible design concept, mainly all out of scrrens
Cybercase .is a moveable transparent monitor, sliding over a shelf with real objects. when the screen overlaps the object
design   concept   presentation
For the Ars Elecrtonica Centre, a museum for electronic arts we did presentationconcepts and design.
A temporary bridge from the street through the house and down to the river next to the Ars Electronica Centre, with projections on the walls, that can also be opened.